I have no idea how this came up, but I was talking to one of the women with whom I work and we got on the subject of the type of footwear/shirt a guy "should" wear. First, I didn't realize there were any rules.* But just for sake of discussion, let's assume there are.
Under this. . .paradigm? Yeah, under this paradigm, I've been doing it wrong for years. Well, my whole life, it seems. She says that the only time it is "okay" to wear running shoes is if you are actually working out, or going to or from same. Well, this blew my mind. Although she has never seen me outside of work (where I always wear suits, a la Barney Stinson), I almost always wear running shoes, jeans and a T-shirt (and I add a longsleeve T-shirt when it is cold, and will forgo jeans in favor of cargo shorts/Utilikilts in the summer). My coworker says that she is embarrassed even to wear running shoes to the grocery store--where she has no problem wearing Yoga pants and a T-shirt. . .with freakin' flip-flops of all things.
-->Let me interject here that I have a powerful dislike of Flip-Flops. I hate the name, which--appropriately--rhymes with "slop"--and I think under most circumstances they evidence an absence of care for one's appearance. I think I mostly hate them because they strike me as the most impractical type of footwear ever invented. Flip-Flops are the D students of the footwear world. I submit that they *barely* even qualify as footwear. Anyway, I'll do an entire rant on them one day perhaps.
She believes that a guy "should" wear an Oxford type shirt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_shirt) and brown "dress shoes" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dress_shoes) (I have to note the hilarity I perceive in the fact that this wikipedia page recognizes 7 "possible" colors for men's shoes. So. . .the other colors are *IM*possible? Interesting). So, even if I'm just hanging out with my friends, I "ought" to be wearing: an Oxford shirt, dress shoes and jeans. Interesting. (If this blog were a train, I'd sound the whistle a couple of times and yell out, "NEXT STOP: Fakeville" ("Sorry, ma'am, the train doesn't actually stop at 'Pretentious Heights,' but you can easily take a cab from Fakeville")
What this actually leads me to conclude is that I am more out of touch with Normals than I had previously believed or even suspected. I suppose this is how Normals see the world? So, although they think it is awesome when one wears a suit, they think my typical (non-work) appearance is sloppy? Do most of them really think there are particular things one "ought" to wear? Apparently a sweater ("jumper" for some of you) is also okay. I sometimes wear sweaters, but never with an Oxford Shirt, which is what I think she was presuming. I also think that unles your name is "Chandler Bing" you have no business wearing a sweater-vest.
Anyway, color me surprised. Apparently I'm something of a "way-too-casual" dresser. Why didn't anyone ever tell me? :-)
Anyway, that's a nice bit of frivolity for one day. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Agree/Disagree? Have anything to add?
[I just remembered, we were talking about some restaurants in town that (apparently) have dress codes which would preclude my ability to enter (absent advance warning).]
*Barring the obvious social mores when it comes to all things sartorial.