So here's something I'd like to try. It says that one can embed a video and here's one I'd like to share. The song is one to which I've been listening a fair bit recently. Let's see if I've got the technological chops to make this happen. (Knowing my luck, I'll end up linking to some type of German Shizer film...)
If this works--and I'm making no assumptions at this point--then I hope you'll give it a listen. Regrettably, I am not gifted when it comes to music (or any type of artistic expression, come to think of it). But this song sort of sums up where I'm at right now. So maybe Paramore can more artfully express what I cannot.
I like the idea of rain as a metaphor for the hard times in life. Times we all go through. I guess I like it because it seems to suggest that surely a day will come when the rain stops falling and we can see the sun again. I'm not currently convinced, but all I know how to do is to try to make the best of each day. I try to laugh when I can and I try to be especially kind to strangers. I know how much pain is out there in this fucked up world and going through all this serves as a constant reminder. Hopefully I can keep resisting the powerful temptation to harden my heart and build a barricade against such searing pain and try instead to remain unchanged as much as I can. So I try to enjoy my hobbies, I try to find time with my friends, I try to laugh when I can and I try to be more thoughtful of others. I think the world would be a far better place if we all could respond to pain and fear and uncertainty with charity rather than responding with the same sort of ugliness that's so damn pervasive.
That's my goal anyway. I guess Mr. Obama said it better, that we should "be the change we want to see in the world." That's my goal folks. But I make mistakes and may not live up to such aspirations. But I do try. I try to be a good friend, I try to focus on the misfortunes of others and I try to be kind and thoughtful to strangers I encounter. I try. Maybe I don't often succeed, but I do try.
Does that count for anything? I really can't say.
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